Monday, January 24, 2011

BNS journo Timsina in Canada mourns mother’s death

Laxmi Maya Timsina, mother of Indra Timisha and BNS Canada correspondent, has passed away at the age of 78 on Friday at 10 am in Lethbridge of Canada.
Born in Dagana district in 1933, late was registered at Beldangi-II Extension camp, Sector E/1-25 before she got resettled in Canada on June 2010.She was suffering from lungs cancer since five years. “We couldn’t treat our mom since treating a cancer in camp was financially impossible,” Timsina said in an email circular to BNS on Friday morning.
The funeral ceremony and cremation program is planned for Sunday at 4 pm in Lethbridge itself, he informed.
Meanwhile, various media organizations in exile have expressed heartfelt condolence to the grief-stricken Timisna family.
“We are really sorry to hear this news and we take the side of one of the senior correspondents in Canada at this hour,” said Buddha Mani Dhakal in a condolence message issued today from America.
General Secretary of Association of Press Freedom Activists (APFA) Bhutan, Vidhyapati Mishra, said the death of Timsina has closed a chapter in the history on Dagana district.
“The last moments with in the IOM transit camp in Kathmandu and back in camp are still fresh to my memory,” Mishra said, “I pray that her departed soul will always rest in peace in heaven.”
Likewise, the Third World Media Chapter – Bhutan also issued its condolence message saying Timsina’s death has caused a great loss not only to co-worker Indra, but to entire Bhutanese community in the Diaspora.
Late Timsina is survived by four sons, two daughters and 16 grandchildren.


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