Wednesday, January 19, 2011

BRAIN attempts to filter camp secetary candidates in Beldangi camps

The Bhutanese Refugee Association of Intellectual Novas (BRAIN) on Tuesday attempted to filter candidates contesting for a single post of camp secretary from three Beldangi camps. 
As number of candidates filing their nominations has crossed a dozen for a single position, BRAIN organized a public hearing in Beldangi-II today involving camp secretary candidates of the camp. 
Participants and guests at the program/Lok Mahara
Local journalist Dikesh Lama moderated the program where rights defender Dr. KP Subedi from Jhapa and a Dutch researcher Ilse Griek were present as special guests. 
During the program, various candidates defended themselves as most suitable candidate for the post of camp secretary. 
Altogether, 15 candidates have declared their nominations for the post. However, they are yet to file their official candidacy. 
Some of them expressed their commitment that, if elected, they would work for the community and transform camps through various means while others said to control corruption, drug abuse and other forms of social crimes. 
Several candidates stressed the need for being impartial and transparent and said there should be no corruption in the camps. 
Meanwhile, general people spoke of the three durable solutions. They said camp secretaries should be able to work for all solutions equally, not just resettlement but also to pressurize the Government of Nepal and the UN Refugee Agency to open the door for repatriation and local integration. 
Reported by Jeetan Subba from Damak for BNS


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