Wednesday, January 19, 2011

UNHCR assures ration for deprived refugees through interim provision

The United Nations in High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has assured all seven Camp Secretaries of the camps that it would provide ration to all deprived refugees through interim provision on temporary basis.
UNHCR’s Country Representative in Nepal, Stephane Jaquemet, said the agency would work out with a government team to provide aid basket to refugees without identity cards and other asylum seekers until some major decision regarding their status is identified.
Jaquemet made such a remark at Damak of Jhapa district on Tuesday during a meeting with Camp Secretaries of all camps.
“We are very much concerned about their status. Right after the election of the Camp Management Committee, UNHCR will discuss this issue with the government and start distributing ration,” Bhanu Dhungana, Khudunabari Camp Secretary, quoted Jaquemet as saying to Dhungana’s delegation.
However, UNHCR’s Chief maintained that start of their registration would take time and that could happen only after the formation of new government in Nepal.
According to Dhungana, Camp Secretaries also submitted a detailed report of cases requiring official registration at the Government of Nepal.
“We conducted a hut-to-hut survey of such persons and found that 3190 persons are yet to be given refugee status,” Dhungana said.
However, according to the UNHCR, everyone who get ration would be qualified for the refugee status when the registration begins.


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